Ομάδα τεκμηρίων

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Εγγραφές Ομάδας Τεκμηρίων
Is there an asymmetric response in unemployment rate to changes in output? : a hidden cointegration approach /Κουτρούλης, Αριστοτέλης Γ.; Παναγόπουλος, Γιάννης; Τσούμα, Αικατερίνη2015
Joint production and taxationΡάπανος, Βασίλης1992
La Banque Nationale de Grece et ses statistiques monetaires (1841-1940)Κωστελένος, Γεώργιος Κ.2006
Labour flexibility and segmentation of the Greek labour market in the eighties : sectoral analysis and typologyΚαραμεσίνη, Μαρία1997
Labour force participation of female youth : the role of culture /Καβουνίδη, Τζέννιφερ; Χολέζας, Ιωάννης2015
Labour market segmentation in Greece : historical perspective and recent trendsΚαραμεσίνη, Μαρία; Καμινιώτη, Ολυμπία1999
Likely effects of CSF 1994-1999 on the Greek economy : an ex ante assessment using an annual four-sector macroeconometric modelΧριστοδουλάκης, Νίκος; Καλυβίτης, Σαράντης1995
Logic of aid in an intertemporal settingDjajic, Slobodan; Lahiri, Sajal; Raimondos-Moller, Pascalis1997
Long run effects of regulation across OECD countries : panel data evidence within a productivity convergence model /Παπαϊωάννου, Σωτήρης Κ.2014
Male-female labour market participation and wage differentials in GreeceΚανελλόπουλος, Κωνσταντίνος Ν.; Μαυρομαράς, Κωνσταντίνος Γ.2000
Measurement errors and the indirect effects of R and D on productivity growth : the U.S. manufacturing sectorΓεωργαντά, Ζωή1993
Measurement of intra- and inter-sectoral dependencies of public investments with budget constraintsΤσέκερης, Θεόδωρος2013
Measurement of total factor productivity in the manufacturing sector of Greece, 1980-1991Γεωργαντά, Ζωή; Κωτσής, Κωνσταντίνος Ν.; Κουνάρης, Εμμανουήλ1994
Modeling banks' lending behavior in a capital regulated frameworkΚαραγιάννης, Στυλιανός; Παναγόπουλος, Γιάννης; Σπηλιώτης, Αριστοτέλης2009
Modelling the effects of defence spending reductions on investment using neural networks in the case of GreeceΚόλλιας, Χρήστος; Ρεφενές, Απόστολος1996
Monetary and banking policy transmission through interest rates : an empirical application to the USA, Canada, U.K. and European UnionΠαναγόπουλος, Γιάννης; Ρεζίτη, Ιωάννα Ν.; Σπηλιώτης, Αριστοτέλης2007
National CSR and institutional conditions : an exploratory study /Χύμης, Αθανάσιος; Σκουλούδης, Αντώνης2014
Network analysis of inter-sectoral relationship and key economic sectorΤσέκερης, Θεόδωρος2014
New evidence on the export-led-growth hypothesis in the Southern euro-zone countriesΚωνσταντακοπούλου, Ιωάννα2016
Observability and constrained optimaΓιαννακόπουλος, Ιωάννης Δ.; Πολεμαρχάκης, Ηρακλής1992
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