Ομάδα τεκμηρίων

Εργασίες για συζήτηση

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Εγγραφές Ομάδας Τεκμηρίων
Sources of macroeconomic fluctuations in the newly industrialised economies : a common trends approachΜακρυδάκης, Στέλιος1997
Spatial agglomeration of manufacturing in GreeceΒογιατζόγλου, Κλήμης; Τσέκερης, Θεόδωρος2011
Stabilization policy and long term growth : are they related?Δέλλας, Χάρης1993
Stochastic shocks of the European and the Greek economic fluctuationsΓεωργικόπουλος, Νικόλαος; Λέων, Κώστας2009
Structural economic changes and their impact on the relationship between wages, productivity and labour demand in GreeceΧλέτσος, Μιχάλης; Κόλλιας, Χρήστος; Μανωλάς, Γιώργος1997
Tail-fatness in equity returns : the case of Athens stock exchangeΒενέτης, Ιωάννης Α.2005
Technical (in)efficiency in the U.S. manufacturing sector, 1977-1982Γεωργαντά, Ζωή1993
Technical change in a model with fair wages and unemploymentΡάπανος, Βασίλης1995
Technical efficiency and the role of information technology : a stochastic production frontier study across OECD countriesΔημέλη, Σοφία Π.; Παπαϊωάννου, Σωτήρης Κ.2010
Technological progress, income distribution and unemployment in the less developed countriesΡάπανος, Βασίλης1992
Testing alternative money theories : a G7 applicationΠαναγόπουλος, Γιάννης; Σπηλιώτης, Αριστοτέλης2005
Testing the intertemporal approach to current account determination : evidence from GreeceΜακρυδάκης, Στέλιος1996
The causal relationship between tax revenues and government spending in Greece : 1950-1990Κόλλιας, Χρήστος; Μακρυδάκης, Στέλιος1996
The economic impact of the cap reform on the CAP reform on the Greek economy : quantifying the effects of inflexible agricultural structuresΣάββα - Μπαλφούσια, Στέλλα; De Santis, Roberto A.1999
The economic role of the EU in the global economy : a comparative analysis /Παρασκευαϊδης, Παρασκευάς Π.2011
The effect of a free market price mechanism on total factor productivity : the case of the agricultural crop industry in GreeceΓεωργαντά, Ζωή1993
The effects of environmental taxes on income distributionΡάπανος, Βασίλης1995
The effects of financial and housing wealth on private consumption in GreeceΑθανασίου, Έρση; Τσούμα, Αικατερίνη2015
The Greek military sector and macroeconomic effects of military spending in GreeceΜπαλφούσιας, Αθανάσιος Θ.; Σταυρινός, Βασίλειος Γ.1996
The harmonization within EEC : single market and its impacts on Greece's private consumption and vat revenueΑγαπητός, Γεώργιος Ι.; Κουτσουβέλης, Παναγιώτης Ν.1992
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